Our little cookie turned 1! So this is how we celebrated. It turned out pretty cute. The only downside was the rain outside which delayed the carnival games from starting.
The desserts were the biggest hit. Along with some typical chocolate chip, peanut butter and oatmeal raisin cookies, we had some speciality items.
We had s'mores... |
And chocolate whoopie pies... |
And rainbow pinwheels... |
And brownie batter dip with fruit... |
And cookie dough batter dip. |
We also served milk! |
We had set up some carnival games outdoors under shade of course because it is already warm outside.
We had "pin the mustache on the face... |
And "milk toss" which is sort of like bowling... |
And "ring the bottle" to round it off. |

Our favors were bags for the cookies and some paper milk cartons filled with goodies, which included "milk straws" which are flavored beads in a straw to add to milk, grape mustache candies, and a milk to go.

And the birthday girl out her own special whoopie pie. I was going to make her a cake that looked like a cookie, but decided the whoopie pie would be cuter.
The paper milk carton was a free printable from papercrave.com which I then blew up to make it a size which I could actually stuff. The cute glass milk bottles were an online purchase with cross-stitch hoops as rings. The milk toss game pieces were also an online purchase, as well as all of the goodies for the cartons. I found the products at multiple sites. And all of the the recipes for the speciality items were online as well. I found them some many places but just used the one that sounded best to me.