These were shredded wheat boats with teddy grahams for each member of the kids' family. The boat went into blue milk for the first group. We decided that was too messy so the rest of the groups just ate their boats with teddies and drank their milk without mixing the two.
The boats were a lot of work to make and probably not worth it since we did not end up using them as boats. If I were to do this again, I would just do "flat" boats.
These were pretty simple to put together. We put all of the stuff on a plate for the kids to makes faces with, and spooned out sauce to those that would take it. We just had a juice for them to drink. It is actually a lot of work to put together the place and drinks, and then put them out for the kids before they come into the room. I did not realize what that would take.
We put together plates and took off the tops of the pudding cups. The drinks involved scooping out sherbet and adding lemonade and sprinkles on top.
I would split these two up next time. The drink would have been great to go with the butterfly which was put together at the house prior to. Scooping took longer than I expected
Thursday: Butterflies, made of fruit and cheese
These were actually a lot of work, but the work was done at the house so the day of serving was easy. The cheese was bought as a block and the grapes and strawberries needed to be sliced as well. It was probably more work making sure there were some for each kind of allergy present.
Friday: Cross Dippers and S'more Cups
I did not catch a picture of either of these. The crosses were made of the refrigerated bread and we had some dipping sauce for them. The bread had to be sliced in half and then the cross was made and baked in the oven. It was probably hardest to get the oven to work. After that it went fast, just kept someone in the kitchen cooking the whole time since we were slow to get the oven working.
The s'more cups were just golden graham type cereal, mini marshmallows, and chocolate chips mixed together and put into a bowl. Easy, but would have been better to mix and put into a snack bag while at the house since we had the bread cross cooking in the kitchen.